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Work up in a sentence

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Sentence count:67+1Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: buildbuild upget upprogressramp upwork outSimilar words: workat workworkswork atworkoutwork offwork outnetworkMeaning: v. 1. form or accumulate steadily 2. develop 3. bolster or strengthen 4. come up with. 
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(31) And how he could work up to his thighs in water in a two-foot seam of coal.
(32) Just enough to work up a sweat, keep the blood moving, tone the old cardio-vascular whatsit.
(33) He hasn't gotten much time off from work up to now, so he's really looking forward to his vacation.
(34) But he would, if they refused to work up to their potential.
(35) You didn't work up an appetite abusing my friend?
(36) The thunderstorm began to work up.
(37) They will work up the data into an article.
(38) This medicine will work up an appetite.
(39) Pass your work up to the front, please.
(40) Phil wants to work up to being a sales manager.
(41) Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.
(42) Even those who had seemed asleep work up to watch the chil.
(43) With the wind behind us we managed work up some speed.
(44) Over time work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30 - 60 minutes .
(45) If you have what it takes , you can work up to the presidency of the company.
(46) In additions summary of research work up to date is given.
(47) The speaker was determined to work up the feelings of his audience.
(48) Rather, they work up to suicide through a series of provocative experiences, such as accidents, injuries, self-injury, eating disorders, and exposure to pain and suffering.
(49) The matching impedance and wastage relate to the TWT can or can not work up to snuff. They are the problems which need be solved when we design the input and output apparatus.
(50) The commitment of the NCP is still as it is that the NCP will work up to the last moment for achieving unity.
(51) It takes a long time to work up to mentioning more pay.
(52) "Work up a black list for the government, then its fair, " one commenter writing under the name Xiaosi Dake said on the microbbloging site Sina Weibo.
(53) It is amazing how he has managed to work up the business form almost nothing.
(54) His law practice is beginning to work up at last.
(55) When the bar comes down, I catch it in my teeth, bench press it 20 times to work up an appetite, and then make off with the cheese.
(56) He tried to work up the enthusiasm of the crowd.
(57) Then what you suggest the official communication channels do if they decide to work up?
(57) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(58) When the bar come down, I catch it in my teeth, bench press it 20 times to work up an appetite, and then make off with the cheese.
(59) Learn how to "work up" your reaction using a separatory funnel to perform a liquid-liquid extraction.
(60) This is the whole point of your work up to this point.
More similar words: workat workworkswork atworkoutwork offwork outnetworkworkerworkshopout of workpaintworkframeworkworkplacethe working classpickupback uppick uplink uplook upthink upspeak upcheck updrink upbreak upforkporkwordworthworry
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